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How to increase the efficiency of medical staff

In this webinar, Patrick Beekman from IFS Ultimo will show you the most important outcomes of our Healthcare Technology Trend Report 2023. We have asked hundreds of our customers about how they look at the current healthcare market, which problems they face, how to solve them and much more. 
Next to that, Michael Raiche from Fluke Biomedical will shine his light on the hospital market nowadays and tell more about a few big trends that he sees. Trends that are all impacting the valuable time for medical staff. While the efficiency of staff members and saving time for biomeds and technical personnel are key elements for every hospital out there. 

That is why IFS Ultimo and Fluke Biomedical improve workflows together, to add value and save time for technical staff in hospitals.  Our joint solution eliminates all unnecessary manual actions and errors by sharing data in an intelligent way. 
•    Leaving paperwork behind. Generate and attach test documents, or launch checklists with zero effort;
•    Keep your test records safe and always accessible;
•    Eliminate repetitive measurements by hand. Obtain measurements from Fluke Biomedical devices remotely with a single click. 
The elimination of manual steps in testing, reporting of deviations and making common mistakes, results in up to 35% time savings. In this webinar, we will show you how you can realize this.
Presentation by
Patrick Beekman (IFS Ultimo)
​​​​​​​Michael Raiche (Fluke Biomedical)

45 minutes

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